Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It is in no way Christlike to be an asshat!

I am so sad reading this article about the Indiana parents and teachers  who would like their children to attend a “gay free” prom. So absolutely appalled.Sad.Mortified.And utterly confused.

Now... You all know that I believe EVERYONE has a right to his or her beliefs regardless if you or I share those beliefs.

These parents have the right to teach their kids that homosexuality is wrong even if I (or you) disagree.They have the right to their belief that homosexuality is a choice.They have the absolute right to ignore decades of research that points to clear biological origins.

I personally disagree with the gayisachoiceandabadoneatthat crowd,. I do not think homosexuality is wrong nor do I think that it is a choice. I think it is just a biological option like blue eyes or freckles., just how some people are born. That is my belief. That is another debate and another blog post..but I do not believe that those who identify as lesbian gay or transgender choose their orientation anymore than I chose mine.

However not everyone shares my belief. . They have the right to their beliefs.These parents have the right to refuse to associate with gay people.. They can choose to not have gay people in THEIR homes .They have the right to conduct their lives as they believe.

And as wrong as I find it, I guess they have the right to create a separate "non gay " prom as long as it is not affiliated with the school.

( Cause I do NOT believe that the school as a publicly funded entity should be involved in these sorts of religiously based political battles. In my opinion.)

So ok.. They can do this if they want to.

What makes this so sad though is the WHY? Why, as a parent would you do this? When it comes to the things that you as a parent could choose to get political about, could choose to use as teaching moments for your kids….

Of ALLL of the causes in the world. THIS is what you choose?  You choose to attack children? Children JUST like your children. Children who are trying to navigate the tricky business of turning into adults? You choose to attack children who are trying to date and figure out relationships and emotions as all adolescents do.. As you did. As your kids are doing?

Why WOULD you pile any more hate and self doubt and self consciousness on a group of CHILDREN who have PLENTY of that on their plates? Why would you look at a group of children who already feel like outcasts..who already struggle with their self esteem and attempt to publicly tell them that they are somehow LESS?

And douchebaggery  aside..

In the entire world with all of its problems… gay or potentially gay teenagers are  the absolute worst thing going?

I think not. There are bigger fish.

And if you feel these actions are appropriate, I respect your right to your beliefs but I am pretty sure that my belief is that  you are a mean spirited doodyhead.

This is just plain mean. It is mean, and it is unnecessary.

If you, as a parent are against homosexuality then you can sit down with your child and explain that belief and say, “in this family and this house  we do not condone this etc ” and then act accordingly within your OWN home and your OWN family and the LAW.(meaning you can choose not to associate but you can't run them out of town with pitchforks!)

But you do NOT have to extend that disagreement into cruelty to others.Doesn't "Love the sinner hate the sin" ring any bells?

This behavior is  NOT kind and it is certainly in no way CHRIST like.

Which brings me to. Hello?? Jesus people? Are you IN there??

It will NOT be a shock when i say that a  Christian Church group instigated this particular incident. As is the case in MANY of these types of situations .This makes me CRAZY.I know lovely kind Christians who try very hard to make the world better and follow the teachings of Christ.

Jackwagons  running around the world acting like A-holes and then saying it is in the name of Jesus makes me PUKE.

NOTHNG I have ever read in the teachings of Jesus has supported shunning those we disagree with… or refusing to associate with them. Does the bible offer stories of Jesus keeping himself away from those deemed “sinners” or does it say that  Jesus walked the world TOUCHING everyone, mingling with the D-list particularly.. and ministering to everyone.?? (In case you are wondering..or you don't look at your bible much cause you think you have it down it’s the latter)

Am pretty sure that if Jesus popped down here right now.. right  into the middle of this, he would go to the Gay Prom. And he would offer love and support and healing to those kids and every other kid...  And he would assure them that they are ALL  divine in the eyes of God. Gay Straight Pretty Ugly Shy Loud and  even the know it all kid:)And he would say that God loves them and that they are beautiful and perfect just as they are and that they, like all of us , have a path to follow  in this world . And they like all of us are never alone.And that they.. like all of us and loved.

And then... I would personally LOVE it if he went to the gay free prom people and ripped the doodyheads  a new one :) I would like those types to be reminded that they are NOT God. And that they do not speak for God.And that God is not an asshat! And that they should really re-read their bibles because they have CLEARLY CLEARLY misunderstood the whole concept!!

So there.

1 comment:

  1. I often wonder...why do people who claim to be Christian work so hard at not being Christ-like? I have come to the conclusion that clearly just because they are Christian they don't think that being Christ-like retains any value to them and therefore spreading their hate in the name of Christ is ok. I don't run around screaming I'm a Christian, I also don't run around trying to hurt people. But to me being Christ-like (is hard!) is important, and so I try.
