Thursday, February 7, 2013

Romance..Get some

On the DR Laura page today here question was "why do you think men do not court women like they used to?'

Want to know what I think?  Well you are here.. so probably you do:)

Because women today give it all up to easy:)

There is no time to court... women are walking around  throwing themselves at men willy nilly from grade school..Showing it all in public...flaunting their stable of partners( and sometimes multiple sperm donors) and in general acting in ways that would have made our great grandmas smack us with a wooden spoon!!

And I am not saying dont act sexy or seductive.. Sexy and seductive encompasses a whole RANGE of things that are not SLUTTY. There is a huge difference. Flirting is sexy.. and it is an art... Downing a shot and asking a guy to go into the public restroom with you.. not flirty..SLUTTY.:)IMO.

 When women are acting this way..offering themselves up on a plate,,,There is no incentive for a man to earn the affections of a women he likes :(

There is no mystery no dance no romance...I am very old fashioned that way and the "feminists" can kiss my not hanging out of my pants butt ..cause the women's movement.. while valuable in many ways did us GREAT disservices in many other ways..And convincing us that we were EXACTLY the same as men and thus had to ACT like them in every them no expectation that they should act like gentleman EVER  is a BIG disservice in my opinion!!

 I like to be courted and romanced. And I picked a guy who did and does those things.

Our courtship was lovely because we were falling in love not the bathroom stall:) We actually DID spend  the first night we met together..But  FULLY clothed snuggled up under a comforter talking like we had just reunited after a hundred years:) And  we spent almost every night after together... but I do not mind telling you...We did not sleep together until we were sure we were going to be together:) And it was a lovely courtship full of lovely memories and beautiful moments that served as building blocks for the life were have been building this last 11 years and counting!!

So that is my feeling on it chickies... Respect yourself ..honor your sexiness and your beauty and ALL that you are.. but don't throw it into the wind.. save it for someone who values you enough to put in some effort:)
So there!

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